The planet Krypton faces imminent destruction due to its unstable core, the result of depleting Krypton's natural resources. The ruling council is deposed by the planet's military commander General Zod and his followers during a coup d'état. Knowing that the use of artificial population control has ruined their civilization, scientist Jor-El and his wife Lara launch their newborn son Kal-El, the first naturally born Kryptonian child in centuries, on a spacecraft to Earth after infusing his cells with a genetic codex of the entire Kryptonian race. After General Zod kills Jor-El, he and his followers are captured and exiled to the Phantom Zone. However, they are indirectly freed after Krypton explodes.
Kal-El's ship lands in Smallville, a small town in Kansas. He is raised as the adopted son of Jonathan and Martha Kent, who name him Clark. Clark's Kryptonian physiology affords him superhuman abilities
on Earth, which initially cause him confusion and ridicule. He
gradually learns to harness his powers and uses them to help others.
After revealing to a teenage Clark that he is an alien,
Jonathan warns him not to use his powers in public out of concern that
he will be rejected by society. After Jonathan's death, an adult Clark
spends several years living a nomadic
lifestyle, working different jobs under false identities, saving people
in secret, and struggling to cope with the loss of his adoptive father.
Clark eventually infiltrates a U.S. military investigation of a Kryptonian scout spaceship in the Arctic.
When Clark enters the alien ship, he uses a Kryptonian "control-key"
from the ship that brought him to Earth, which allows him to communicate
with the preserved consciousness of Jor-El in the form of a hologram.
Jor-El reveals Clark's origins, the extinction of his race, and tells
Clark that he was sent to Earth to bring hope to mankind for a better
future. Lois Lane, a journalist from the Daily Planet
newspaper who was sent to write a story on the discovery, sneaks inside
the ship while following Clark and is rescued by him when she is
injured by its security system. Lois's editor Perry White rejects her story of a "superhuman" rescuer, so she traces Clark back to Kansas with the intention of writing an exposé. After hearing his story, she decides not to reveal his secret.
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