Final Destination is an American horror franchise based on an unproduced spec script written by Jeffrey Reddick he originally submitted to the X-Files television series. Distributed by New Line Cinema, all five films are centered on the themes of fatalism, predestination, and precognition, in relation to death (i.e. how to foresee, avoid or control it). In a less abstract sense, each film features a protagonist having a premonition
of a terrible accident that would kill numerous people, including the
protagonist. The protagonist and a handful of people then escape from
the scene of the accident, before it happens just like in the
protagonist's vision. The group of people then start dying in a series
of bizarre accidents that frequently resemble Rube Goldberg machines in their complexity.
The series is noteworthy amongst others in the horror genre in that
the "villain" of the movies is not the stereotypical slashers, monsters,
creatures, beasts, or demons. It is the entity Death
itself (very occasionally seen as a fleeting shadow), which manipulates
the environment in deadly ways with the intent of "recapturing" those
who somehow manage (usually through premonitions) to escape their fates
the first time.
In addition to the films, a novel series (which includes the
novelizations of the first three films) was published throughout 2005
and 2006 by Black Flame. A one-shot comic book titled Final Destination: Sacrifice was released alongside select DVDs of Final Destination 3 in 2006, and a comic series titled Final Destination: Spring Break was published by Zenescope Entertainment in 2007.
Download Movie Coy :
Final Destination (2000)
Final Destination 2 (2003)
Final Destination 3 (2006)
Final Destination 4 (2009)
Final Destination 5 (2011)
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